H.E. Governor Muriithi Assents Engagement And Resilience Bill 2022


H.E Governor Ndiritu Muriithi on Tuesday 17th May 2022 signed the Laikipia County Community Engagement and Resilience Bill 2022 into law to curb radicalization and violence amongst the youth within Laikipia county. This has provided an elaborate measure to pull down the vices.


The timing of the bill is critical as we are living at a time when radicalization is rampant. Therefore, it has been necessitated by the need to solve problems affecting society.


The law is not static. There are structures that exist in law but are not strong enough to address various issues. The implementation of the Bill goes a long way in delivering the security of our citizens. commented H.E Governor Muriithi.


It has been a quest by both the national and county governments to eradicate violence and extremism in society via a strategic action plan.


The bill was created by a nominated member of the county assembly of Laikipia, Hon. Chris Mark in response to the ever-growing cases of youth radicalization in Kenya.


We are facing a time where there is a lot of radicalizations in our youth which from it, creates violence and therefore I saw the need to come up with a bill through a county action plan that will directly engage the community and besides aid in monitoring its implementation in counteracting the vices through rehabilitation. said the MCA during the signing of the bill.


The Bill brings together all levels of governments in a state where they are able to engage the community directly and prevent radicalization through monitoring and rehabilitation.


The newly signed bill will oversee the sealing of loopholes of marginalization, vulnerability, and minority factors, as a key step into eradicating radicalization and violent extremism by the airing grievances through county community engagements. It will also enable the creation of agendas resembling that of the national government which can be domesticated and absolutely helps in tackling the issue of prevention of counter-violence extremism without bypassing the mandate tasked to counties by the constitution.


Last year, the National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC) conducted a training session for all the journalists and online influencers on reporting violent extremism-related stories, which equipped the scribes and bloggers on the sensitivity of reporting on terrorism-related attacks.

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