Public Participation On Climate Change, Creating Awareness At Ward Level

Climate change has become a pervasive threat to humanity, with its negative impact evident in our county and beyond.
As part of its response plan, the department of Water, Environment, and Natural Resources has adopted a ward-based intervention approach as a strategic measure to address the situation.
This strategic approach is informed by the County Climate Act 2021, which aims to create awareness and develop the right mechanisms to enhance climate change resilience at the ward level.
So far, the department has conducted public participation in three wards: Mukogondo East, Mukogondo West, and Segera Ward, this exercise is in progress to cover all 15 wards in the County.
Today, a public participation was held in Salama Ward to sensitize residents on the significance of adapting climate-smart practices in an effort to develop sustainable solutions in the ward.
During these meetings, a Ward Climate Change Committee is formed, and its primary role will be to identify initiatives that best fit the needs of the ward as well as to oversee the implementation of the proposed projects.
The committee is comprised of 11 members, with a balanced representation of youth, women, people living with disabilities, minority groups, community-based and faith-based organizations.

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