Trade , Tourism , Creative Economy & Co Operatives


Strategic Objectives of the Department


  • Formulation, implementation and monitoring of legislation, regulations and policies in the Trade, Tourism & Cooperative sector
  • Promote production of tools and machines for this sector
  • To promote trade, broaden export base and markets as well as undertake county branding.
  • To facilitate the broadening of financing options to enterprises in Laikipia
  • To generate and champion the adoption of business enabling laws, regulations and practices for Laikipia to become the preferred investment destination
  • To develop and promote the Laikipia County Brand
  • To regulate production, savings and credit cooperatives to provide value for money
  • Top provide efficient support service-delivery for industrial and enterprise development
  • To stimulate Industrial development through value addition and creation of an enabling environment for investment
  • To provide standards for industrial products and support of MSMEs.
  • Promote cooperative sector development and improve governance and management for cooperative societies
  • To promote affordable and accessible credit facilities to cooperative societies for employment and wealth creation




The general functions of the department include:


  1. Formulation, review and implementation of trade development, Tourism and Enterprise, Cooperative Development policies, strategies and guidelines
  2. Monitoring and evaluation of programmes and projects
  3. Provision of incentives for investment and value addition in trade development, Tourism, Film and Enterprise, Cooperative Development products and services.
  4. Provision of an enabling environment for domestic and foreign investments
  5. Develop and implement Public-Private Partnership framework and initiatives in the department
  6. Promote Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and community-based initiatives
  7. Carry out education and awareness, ensure compliance with the relevant legislation, regulations and guidelines
  8. Promotion of investments through training programmes for the business community
  9. Carry out market surveys and research
  10. Promotion and development innovations and incubation programs
  11. Promote cultural tourism and
  12. Develop and maintain local tourism sites and recreational facilities


Trade Development & Promotion


The Trade Development functions entails:


  1. Formulation, review and implementation of trade development policies, strategies and guidelines
  2. Promotion of trade through training programmes for the business community
  3. Provision of trade extension services
  4. Collection and dissemination of trade data and information
  5. Carry out trade development market surveys and research
  6. Organization and facilitation of trade fairs and exhibition
  7. Formulation, negotiation, implementation and co-ordination of regional trade practices as well as export development policies and practices in liaison with National Government and other stakeholders.
  8. Promotion of Retail and wholesale markets
  9. Business Registration and
  10. SMEs data consolidation


Weights and measures


The Weights and Measures function entails:


  1. Develop and review rules and regulations on trade measurements
  2. Promote production of tools and machines for this sector, including weighing machines
  3. Implementation and enforcement of Weights and Measures Act (Cap.513, the Trade Descriptions Act (Cap.505) and other related statutes on consumer protection.
  4. Ensure uniformity of the International Systems of Units (SI) of measurements
  5. Control the manufacture,sale and maintenance of weighing and measuring equipment for use in trade.
  6. Verification of trade, health, the safety of weighing and measuring equipment to ensure accuracy.
  7. Ensure compliance with rules on the packaging of goods for sale; inspect trade premises to ensure the correct use of weighing and measuring equipment
  8. Creation of public awareness on provisions of the Act to improve compliance
  9. Collection of licenses and stamping fees.
  10. Combat sale of miss-described and sub-standard goods and services
  11. Inspection, investigation and prosecution of cases on infringement of the Act and
  12. Creation of public awareness on miss-description of goods,services and facilities


Tourism development and film services


Tourism Development & Promotion


The Tourism Functions entails:

  1. Promote production of tools, equipment and machines
  2. Formulation, review and implementation of tourism policies and strategies, monitoring and evaluation of tourism programmes and projects
  3. Promotion of sustainable tourism development initiatives
  4. Develop and review tourism promotion materials
  5. Development and review of integrated tourism development area plans in collaboration with other stakeholders
  6. Design and develop tourism products
  7. Promotion and marketing of tourism products and services
  8. Develop and maintain a database on tourism statistics
  9. Development of County tourism management information systems
  10. Promote Small and Medium Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs) and community-based tourism initiatives
  11. Research the tourism sector, develop and implement Public-Private Partnership framework and Initiatives in the tourism sector.
  12. Implementation of regional agreements in the tourism sector
  13. Mobilization of resources for the development of the tourism sector in the County
  14. Capacity development and setting of standards in tourism training in the County and
  15. Creation of an enabling environment for the promotion of local and foreign tourism investments


Film Services


The film functions entail:


  1. Promote production of tools, equipment and machines for this sector
  2. Developing and implementing policies, regulations, projects and programmes related to Film Services
  3. Developing and implementation of the County Film services policy
  4. Developing operational strategies for the promotion and development of film services
  5. Carrying out film services education and awareness, enforcement of compliance with film services legislation
  6. Monitoring performance on growth and development of film services sector within the County and
  7. Promoting Laikipia as a preferred filming destination


Cooperative Development & Marketing


  1. Promote production and manufacturing of tools, equipment and machines for this sector
  2. Promotion of cooperative societies
  3. Processing of applications for registration
  4. Inspection and investigations
  5. Training needs assessment for cooperative movement
  6. Market information dissemination & advisory services
  7. Banking inspections, local savings and credit cooperative societies
  8. Risk assessment in Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies
  9. Investment advisory services
  10. Co-ordination and monitoring of cooperative indemnity by cooperative leaders
  11. Promotion of cooperative ventures, value additions and innovations for local cooperatives
  12. Carrying out certification audits
  13. Carrying out continuous and compliance audits
  14. Cooperative advisory services
  15. Pre-cooperative education
  16. Settlement of disputes (arbitration)
  17. Promoting good governance and ethics in the management of cooperative societies
  18. Collect and collate data on all cooperative activities in the County
  19. Facilitate collaboration and linkages among cooperatives, partners and stakeholders and
  20. Registration of cooperative societies audited accounts

  News & Events

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