Training Of Cross Sectoral Technical Working Group To Lead County Participatory Climate Risk Assessment Process.

The Department of Water, Environment, and Natural Resources conducted a workshop to train the cross-sectoral technical working group tasked with leading the upcoming Participatory Climate Risk Assessment (PCRA) process.
PCRA is under FLLoCA (Financing Locally-Led Climate Action), a program supported by the World Bank that aims to empower communities to adapt to climate change by enhancing their ability to understand, assess, and manage climate risks at the local level.
The main objective of the workshop was to take participants (technical officers) through key steps and tools in conducting and developing a roadmap for the PCRA process.
The technical officers will support communities in assessing hazard vulnerability as well as developing local coping strategies to build climate resilience and adaptive capacity.
To achieve this, the technical officers were trained and equipped with the skills necessary to conduct the county's participatory climate risk assessment.

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